by Elena Vasquez
Welcome to the Real World full of deadlines, bills, limited vacation time, mortgages, and student loans. 401Ks and credit scores suddenly define who you are. We replaced juice boxes with half price margaritas and our lunch hour with a quick lunch at our desk. Many of us still look forward to that midday “recess,” whether to indulge in coffee or the latest office gossip. The promise of freedom in the Real World seems more like an urban legend. In reality, it feels like we are all still smiling awkwardly behind a mouth full of braces.
Many call the awkward phase from an individual’s twenties to early thirties, the Quarterlife Crisis. This is the time when people transition from adolescence to adulthood. Suddenly a new population fills the work force, and, in most cases, they have no preparation whatsoever with balancing a checkbook, taking care of a household, or investing their paycheck.
In college, there were plenty of classes to choose from, but most colleges didn’t offer “how to be a grown-up”; therefore, most recent graduates are left to fend for themselves and maybe surf the web in hopes of finding some helpful hints using Google.
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1 comment:
Great Blog. I wish there were some more content! I am almost a year out of grad school (round one) with a lousy, menial desk job that I hate, revolving door friends,personal interests that seem to change as the days go by, and an addiction to reading my horoscope wherever I can find to see if this is the day that it's all going to change. Stability and sanity, where art thou?
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